In architecture, a “peristyle” is defined as the “colonnade which surrounds an interior courtyard or a building” and, by extension, a “colonnade which decorates the façade of a building.”
With Horizon 2030, the Cinquantenaire Peristyle was given a modern tinge with the installation of Tipi Cinquantenaire, a Guinguette (open-air café) offering a magnificent view of the park. Visitors were also able to enjoy a wide range of various activities.
Le Péristyle has opened its doors to welcome you to its guinguette (open-air dancing bar), but that’s not all it has to offer! The main purpose of this venue is to offer cultural activities: “Midis Découvertes” (Discovery Lunch) lectures, arcade games, mosaic tours, and much more.
The Peristyle opened its doors to welcome you to its guinguette (open-air dancing bar), but it had other great surprises in store for you! It also hosted a broad range of activities, such as the “Discovery Lunches” lectures, arcade games, mosaic tours, workshops, DJ sets, and much more.
Tipi Cinquantenaire, the Guinguette on the Peristyle with a magnificent view over the park , has now closed its doors. Thanks to Tipi for providing this welcoming space as part of Horizon 2030. It was the perfect place to relax, eat and meet someone new!